Amish Raj

Washington, DC · (202) 560-3280 ·

As a results-focused Software Developer with a strong background in web application development and testing, I am dedicated to delivering high-quality solutions. I firmly believe in the power of Test-Driven Development to create robust and user-friendly applications that meet and exceed client expectations.

With a wealth of experience in promoting and executing object-oriented approaches to real-time software development, I am well-versed in Agile and Scrum environments, ensuring efficient collaboration and timely project delivery. My critical thinking skills and meticulous attention to detail enable me to identify and resolve complex issues, ensuring the development of reliable and scalable software solutions.



Software Engineer

Fidelity Investments

• Underwent the LEAP training program for Full Stack Engineering spanning 4 months
• Developed web-apps using Angular UI framework and Node.JS while closely working with Business, UI/UX and Content teams
• Worked with Agile & DevOps methodologies and development best practices to enhance product development
• Conducted pre-release activities and collaborated with product owners to select ambitious, but realistic coding milestones on software development
• Managed the CI/CD Pipelines via the Jenkins tool
• Worked on several POCs based on Angular, NodeJS & Java to enhance business capabilities and improve productivity

August 2021 - August 2022

Software Engineer Intern

Fidelity Investments

• Worked on the complete Angular front-end part of a web-app from scratch as well as integrated it with a Node.JS backend
• Deployed the project on a cloud VM instance and ran a Jenkins job to automate pulling data from various APIs

May 2020 - June 2020



The George Washington University

Master of Science in Computer Science - Software and Systems

Current GPA: 3.74

Relevant Coursework:
• Design and Analysis of Algorithms
• Advanced Software Paradigms
• Computer Architecture II
• Introduction to Big Data and Analytics
• Object Oriented Design
• Machine Learning
• Design of Human Computer Interface
• Mobile App Development
• Cloud Computing
• Database Systems II

August 2022 - Current

Malaviya National Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering

GPA: 7.26

August 2017 - May 2021


Programming Languages
Developer Tools
Technologies & Frameworks
  • Test-Driven Development
  • Unit & Integration Testing
  • Agile & Scrum Methodology




August - December 2023

• I designed and developed FoodSaver, a MEAN stack app for Design of Human-Computer Interaction class
• Connects underprivileged individuals with surplus food from local restaurants
• Implements design principles and coding best practices
• Separate portals for Users and Restaurants with secure constraints
• This project helped solidify my proficiency in MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js
• Showcases commitment to social impact and accessible design



September 2020

• A novel Front-end Application to find lyrics for songs and save snippets
• Built using Angular
• Strengthened my proficiency in working with Angular, HTML, CSS, TypeScript and APIs fueled by creativity
• Leveraged open source APIs such as the Spotify API and API


GW TalentTrade

August - December 2023

• Completed an Android app project for the Mobile App Development course using Java, XML
• Facilitates GW students in discovering and offering services at customizable rates
• Prioritized user-friendly design, and implementing real-time availability
• Includes features like Authentication, Authorization and CRUD operations for listings

Big Data & Analytics Projects

January - May 2023

• I successfully completed 3 major course projects built as a requirement of the CSCI 6444 Introduction to Big Data and Analytics course during my Master's
• Topics for the projects include Graph Analytics, Clustering & Classification, and Text Analytics
• Solidified my understanding & proficiency in Data Analytics using R and R Studio
• A term paper on "Scalable Graph Clustering for Community Detection" along with these projects further helped the understanding of Data Analytics in a Big Data context


MEAN Stack "Posts" Project

August 2021

• I successfully completed a comprehensive Udemy course titled "Angular & NodeJS - The MEAN Stack Guide"
• Throughout the course, I developed a full stack posts webapp project using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js)
• By leveraging Angular for the frontend and NodeJS with ExpressJS for the backend, I built a robust and scalable web application complete with appropriate error handling, authentication and authorization



August - December 2022

• Completed an Android app project for the Advanced Software Paradigms course using Kotlin, XML
Quiz application to act as a classroom resource for professors and students
• Features like Authentication, separate portals for Professors and Students along with timed quizzes having shuffled questions with each quiz linked to a course

Covid-19 Vaccine Tweets Sentiment Analysis

January - May 2023

• Worked on a Sentiment Analysis project as a course deliverable for CSCI 6364 Machine Learning course
• Several Natural Language Processing and Analytical techniques were used
• Sentiment Analysis using existing models, trained TextBlob model, VADER model's accuracy on a pre-labeled dataset, supplemented by visualizing distributions of data
• This project helped strengthen my skills in using machine learning and NLP techniques


AirThin Projects

September 2020

• Completed 2 front-end projects - AirThin Notes and AirThin Currency Converter
• Built using Angular, HTML, CSS, Typescript and demonstrates LocalStorage manipulation along with use of APIs to create functional web-apps for various purposes

Awards & Certifications

  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner - Amazon Web Services
  • Angular & NodeJS - The MEAN Stack Guide - Udemy
  • On The Spot Recognition Award - Fidelity Investments
  • Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) - Red Hat